Tag Archives: Mimbolovenerdiest movie

Nerdiest Movie of the Decade – Podcast

Written by Jeremy

The gang returns to argue and punch over a full decade of Nerdy movie choices. Will your fave or least fave be among them? And will the mysterious Yehudah Review return triumphantly one last time? Tune in to find out!

State of the Nerd World and Nerdiest Movie of 2017!

Written by Jeremy

The gang reunites to discuss the old predictions of comic book movies to 2020 to see how wrong we were and how wrong we’ll be. After that, it’s a quick jaunt back to 2017 to discuss and vote on the nerdiest movie of 2017! With a surprise ending.

The Nerdiest Movie of 2016 Podcast

Written by Jeremy

The gang gets together at the Dawn of Podcast Colon of Justice to discuss, debate, and argue over the NERDIEST movie of 2016. And this year, The Hobbit isn’t even an option.

What was the Nerdiest Movie of 2014?

Written by Jeremy

Our feature length PODCAST where we start in January 2014 and head straight for December, carefully debating and arguing and punching until we crown… the Nerdiest Movie of 2014.

Will it be Birdman? The Lego Movie? Neither?

Tune in to find out!

Nerdy movies, nerdiest movie, movies 2014, guardians of the galaxy, captain america, noah, hobbit, snowpiercer, knights of badassdom